My Story
My name is Brooke Barnhart, I am 37 years old and I have four daughters; Halle (14), Kelsey (9), Olivia (7), and Addi (brand new!). My husband Scott and I have been married now for 15 years, and around 2013 we decided I would leave my out of home job to be a stay at home mother. We had been trying for awhile to get pregnant and with the hopes of number 2 on the way, we decided I needed to be home more with both of our children. When I came upon the opportunity to join Scentsy, my oldest daughter had recently started pre-school. I'd been looking into doing something in the direct sales area to help bring in a little extra income but totally didn't think that I would be very good at it. I knew a bunch of moms were making money everywhere selling stuff from home and wanted in on that. I kind of played around with the idea in my own head of doing something.. I just hadn't found something I was passionate about to turn into a business. A friend from high school had been my Scentsy lady for about a year and a half and I was hooked. I mean, really hooked. I was in love with all the scents and the way they filled my home. Guys, paradise punch was my favorite!!! I was alllll about that fruity scent! My husband noticed how often I was purchasing and made a small joke that I should just sell it and start making money on my own orders, if anything for the discount. I thought about his little joke for a few days and started asking around. As it turned out my friends and family were super supportive and excited that I wanted to start selling with this amazing company. They all wanted to order! It's now 9 years later and I have grown my business and reached out to so many new people. This job has given me opportunities to earn free vacations, make money, pay off credit card debt, and give my daughters great holidays.
Here we are, 11 years later.. I am now a Star Director- which is the second highest role in our company. I have grown SO much as a person. I am more than just 'mommy'. I have an identity. I have confidence. It's amazing to me that a wax company could give me all this. I get to leave the house and share how awesome Scentsy is and have fun doing it. Ive earned countless free vacations, and traveled to places I never thought I would, free products, free luggage, and so many goodies i cant even count.
I love this job and I wish I would have done it sooner!
I would like to dedicate my work to my grandmother who passed away in September of 2017. She was an amazing woman who supported me whole heartedly. She was a big part of my success and always pushed me to try harder, do better, and work smarter. Losing her has been super hard on myself and my family but I now dedicate my work to her memory. She would want me to keep pushing through because she believed in me, and believed in Scentsy.